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I had a new resident call the office to complain that AT&T was on property to set up her cable. The resident was upset that she didn't have a connection in the living room. I assured her that every residence has a connection. I even told her where the connection was located. She continued to argue...


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The recent apartment construction boom is slowing as developers grapple with rising costs and tighter financial conditions. This trend reflects broader industry challenges today.Key Takeaways:Rising Costs: Higher interest rates and construction costs have made many projects financially unfeasible, pushing many plans back to the drawing board.Extended Delays: The average time between construction authorization and project start has increased by 45 ...

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Is everyone seeing massive Waste Management increases? We used to be at $1200 per month for 3 dumpsters, 3 pick ups a week and 6 recycle cans. Now we are at just under $2600 per month. I called and they couldn’t offer an explanation other than everything has gone up and it is what it is. Yikes!


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WiFi is the foundation required for every community. From working and paying bills to streaming music and connecting with others digitally, WiFi is vital to many facets of an individual's life, especially where they reside. Community-wide WiFi has quickly become a necessity for modern apartment communities. Whether it's to streamline the leasing and maintenance processes or to enhance the resident and associate experience, WiFi is a prerequisite ...

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I am needing some fresh new ideas on leasing specials for lease ups. Which have been the most successful for you?

Guest Insider This is a long one! Each team member picked a stale unit and a theme to mini model it. All items in the mini model went to whoever leased it.
A few themes included:
Camping gear
Record player and a few vinyls
Bar cart and bar accessories
You can get creative and choose your own themes.
They leased really fast!
Guest Insider Preferred employer discount based on your surrounding area. One or two month discount spread out throughout the lease or upfront. App, admin and/or deposit discounts.
Special for those that sign within 24 of tour.
Guest Insider Mini model set up
Look and lease special
Guest Insider Pay their moving expense, movers, boxes, gas. We put a cap on it of $1500 so it was cheaper than say giving 1 mth free that our comps were doing. Leased quick
Myles Waldrop These are some really great ideas. First for me, I ask what is the market doing.
For example, everyone and their cousin’s sister in DC has offered 2 months free on a 13 month lease for at least 10 years.
This might or is not the same in markets like Richmond, Va only 100 miles down the road.
Remember sub markets are different, too.
From there, I look at my resident profile and think what is the most appeasing to them. Does money motivate them to move or swanky give away/ move in packages. The fastest way to lease up is to know your audience.
I’ll give another example: I was a regional manager during the pandemic and my student properties were occupancy challenged due to the lack of students. We met with the city and had it rezoned to be co-living and not just student.
When the students could come back, we gave a year free on campus parking away for students. This was huge and helped us hit 98% within 60 days.
Guest Insider We did an up front 2 months free. We also dropped our prices on twos and threes (that is what we have the most of) and those prices were comparable to our comps. But we just opened our doors on 4/24/24 so we had to do the drastic up front two months because traffic was super slow and because of construction delays it shortened the lease up time to 9 months. I hate that we did that special because of the issues it causes with lost revenue and I am in affordable so it could bite us in the ass they take the 2 months up front and skip on month three. Don’t know yet not there. The impact of that special is losing money now but we are filling up quickly which makes it to where we can accomplish the goal to get under the stabilized loan in 9 months. Some of my sister lease ups are offering a raffle for washer and dryer set, or 65 inch TV.
Guest Insider We’re in a saturated market, it’s is very hard right now. Great tips everyone!!
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🎉 Poll Time: What’s Your Biggest Concern with AI in Multifamily? 🏢🤖

Hey, multifamily fam and insiders! As AI continues to make its way into our industry, it brings excitement and some burning questions. Kristi Fickert and I want to hear from you so cast your vote and drop your thoughts in the comments.

🎉 Poll Time: What’s Your Biggest Concern with AI in Multifamily? 🏢🤖Hey, multifamily fam and insiders! As AI continues to make its way into our industry, it brings excitement and some burning questions. Kristi Fickert and I want to hear from you so cast your vote and drop your thoughts in the comments.
Kristi Fickert Curious to see what everyone thinks!
Kristi Bender I've been experimenting with AI for a while now, using it to enhance blog posts, resident communications, job postings, and even writer's block breakthroughs. It's also helping me generate creative visuals. (Fun fact: my LinkedIn profile picture is AI-created, just for kicks!)
With Google's recent public launch of AI search, the online world is abuzz. This is exciting, but it also raises important questions for the housing industry, particularly regarding legal and fair housing concerns.
AI's Interpretation: How will AI handle conflicting terms in search results? Could this lead to inaccurate or misleading information?
Human Oversight: In a world of AI-generated content, will people actually read the results or rely solely on them without proper verification?
The Power of the Written Word: Traditionally, housing policies rely on written documentation. How can we ensure accuracy and compliance when the "writing" itself might be AI-generated and potentially flawed?
By proactively...
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Mya Estrada Interesting poll!
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The commercial real estate (CRE) brokerage industry is known for being a competitive and demanding workplace. You may think of pushy salespeople and incessant cold calls. However, what if I told you that there is another method to dominate the CRE market?The fact is that, in addition to sheer power, obtaining remarkable outcomes in CRE brokerage calls on concentration, commitment, and strategic planning.The purpose of this blog is not to minimize ...

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Laurie Romanchak created a new topic ' Section 8' in the forum. 10 hours 31 minutes ago

Just need some clarification on how others explain qualifying income. 


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Brittney Nelson is friends with Lawrie Myers

Over the years, one of the most frequent complaints I hear from CIO/CTOs, COOs and CEOs is how the proliferation of proptech in the rental housing space often creates a rat’s nest of disparate tech solutions that rarely, if ever, integrate in a way that creates an easily manageable data ecosystem. For many years, I truly empathized with this challenge as I felt their pain and wished that vendors would do a better job at making lives e ...

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In today's diverse and interconnected world, affinity groups play a crucial role in fostering inclusivity, support, and professional growth within various industries. In the multifamily housing sector, these groups are essential for building a more inclusive community, providing a platform for underrepresented voices, and promoting diversity at all levels of the industry.What is an Affinity Group?An affinity group is a group of individuals who co ...

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How is this even a thing??

How is this even a thing??
Guest Insider Wonder if mass reporting it as a scam, which it is, would make an impact.
Guest Insider This completely invalidates those that actually need an ESA or the like. I’ll never understand how these scams are allowed.
Guest Insider We work with a company that actually screens ESA letters and denies those that have been written through one of these types of websites. They’ve been able to detect multiple frauds for us!
Sherri Vittatoe My two cents: I am a manager and our mgt company allows all breeds and sizes. What we do not allow are aggressive dogs. If the dog (any breed) cannot be controlled on leash or at our dog park, they are not allowed. (Knock on wood) 4 years here and we have had no problems.
I’ve also been in the business a really long time and have watched fees and pet rent climb to the point people are punished for having a pet. No fee = Less Liars. I feel like the pet fees have become too high! We charge for damages anyway. We should all require renter’s insurance with an animal clause (pet or ESA) that covers any damage and get rid of the fee and just collect the nominal pet rent to cover the cost of pet bags throughout the community. We use Pooprint at registration and then charge a $200 fine for any dog waste - pet or ESA. They still have to follow the rules.
We are “depositing & Feeing” the residents too much!
Mya Estrada Yikes…
Jay Thompson While I don’t agree with this tactic, pet restrictions are antiquated and limit your prospect pool.
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Hi Everyone! I have a client who is struggling with a resident created Facebook group. This group has turned into a negative space where they just complain and now prospective residents are finding the page and cancelling their leases because of it. For reference, this community has 72 Google...


Leah Love Report the page/group for impersonating a page/product. That works the quickest and will hit them on their personal FB page if they keep trying to start the page again.
Guest Insider I would report the group for slander and get them shut down.
Cathy Kohler I would report the group for slander and get them shut down.
Guest Insider Talk to your company's attorney.
Guest Insider I would non renew the resident if they’re able, and check the lease for anything that talks about slander or commenting to the media, etc. if there’s anything that restricts the residents, I’d have a lawyer write up a cease and desist letter to the resident
Guest Insider Yes, happened to us. By the time we figured out. Vacancy had risen dramatically. The posts were by former tenants, some non renewed, and some evicted. One vindictive ex emp. Who was let go when charged with dealing outside grade school. He posted poor maint, roaches, mice infestation, dog poo everywhere etc.
Recovery took more than a year.
During that time we suffered great economic loss. How did we fix it. We started sharing the posts with current residents who were appalled and the current residents started responding to the posts and posting their own experiences. We do and did have greatly satisfied residents.
Took a year to recover. That was after the positive posts from residents far exceeded the negative ones. Good luck
Guest Insider 4.2 is usually a good sign but how many of those are written reviews vs just giving 5 stars? I hate to play devils advocate but sometimes when it’s multiple residents complaining it’s not always a lie. But everything is always case by case.
Maybe follow up on the complaints as well to be sure it’s not something that actually is going wrong. It happens, we are entirely human.
I’ve also worked for companies that begged everyone for a review and a lot would have friends and colleagues just go in and give 5 stars without ever having set foot on the property, tipping the review scales in their favor
Grace Law Does the page purport to be company sponsored? Are the posts resident opinions or falsehoods?
We had a page a resident set up that was copied from our real page and then had virtual cockroaches crawling over it with a bunch of lies.
Our lawyers got involved and got Facebook to shut it down and give us the name of the person who set it up. Lawyer then sent a letter threatening legal action if the resident did it again. We also non-renewed the resident. They were mad because despite being a “horrible place with roaches” they still wanted to live there another year.
Gerry Hunt Report the group to Facebook. Have several others report the group. FB will not take the page down if only one person reports it. AND start a page for the property. Put up the positive reviews, resident activities, etc. If you need help with this, please reach out to me.
Jess L Fischer I'm gonna offer a different perspective. Flip the script. Take the negative and turn it into a positive. Invite the residents with grievances to come to a meeting and listen to their concerns, make a plan to address them. Especially if they're small. Have them start advertising your resident events, involve them.
Kathy Sweeney Instead of rushing to attack the residents or shut down the page, what are the "common" complaints they have. Maybe a few hundred dollars can fix the issues and you can ask them to post the resolution on their page. My residents have a page and asked me to join it. If there are issues we fix them.
Ana Bennett I would be taking their concerns VERY seriously. I see that’s an unpopular opinion here but what seems like a minor issue to us might feel entirely different when you’re on the residency side. You attract more quality clients with servant leadership
Jude Chiy Why not take their complaints seriously?
1) Residents create Facebook groups usually because management hasn't provided a way for them to connect with their neighbors - e.g. via resident events or a resident app.
2) Residents complain when management hasn't created a forum for them to provide feedback - e.g. via regular resident surveys.
Trying to get the Facebook group shut down is a short sighted view in my view.
Imagine if your employer heard about employees connecting and raising concerns but their reaction was to shut it down. How would you feel about your employer?
Guest Insider Keep flagging their posts as offensive and fb will take it down
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In order to push Multifamily Insiders forward from a technology perspective, we have enlisted the help of technology leaders within the Insider community.  We appreciate the time they are taking to guide us on several fronts to continually provide a better experience and enhanced programs.   Ellen ThompsonCo-Founder & CEORespage  ...

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HELP. I took over a property and the staff is so unmotivated. I have tried having one on ones asking what support they needed, always making sure to come in everyday in good spirits, helping everyone with anything I can and it seems like no one wants to work or be there. I have even done team...


Guest Insider If all efforts have been exhausted, it’s time to start thinking replacement.
Nicki Hall I would sit them down as a group and tell them this exact thing. Tell them what the goal is and ask for their input on how to get there. The only thing left after that is getting rid of the ones who aren’t doing their job.
Guest Insider Dealing with the same thing. We’ve turned over 80+% of the portfolio at this point and they’ve tanked these properties. Doesn’t matter what we’ve done to help motivate, give incentives, treat to lunch, have one on ones, use write ups, extra training, mentoring, literally tried everything.
But we have to remember what kind of world we are living in right now. No one cares anymore for good reason. We are facing massive political collapse, world war, unsupportable and unsustainable economy, constant environmental disasters…. I can’t blame people at this point for not caring about a job that causes mental and sometimes physical abuse. I don’t have an answer how to get people to do their jobs anymore. It’s way bigger than just our offices or our companies.
Guest Insider The two biggest things that have helped me turn around unmotivated staff is encouragement and praise. Once I started praising even the smallest win, they started getting excited about their work! We got a contract for the day, praise! One of my team members countered an objection successfully, praise. Being in student, my team members are a tough crowd 🙃 I sent out a form when I first got to my current property asking the team what their favorite candy was, their favorite lunch, coffee order etc and asked how they like praise whether public or private. Most all of them said private - but I found after giving private praise that they actually like public praise too.
Guest Insider We have daily huddles. 15 minimum every day. Everyone says a high, low and stuck! Can be personal, can be professional. I have also asked what percentage that had to give that day. If they say 50%, ok let’s as a team assist where we can. Our team together is going on 2 years. It was difficult in the beginning, but we have a great team. We also have a brag board in my office. I fill with positive reviews from residents, pics of events they have in their personal life, highs from wins as a team, and so on. Celebrate them daily!!
Guest Insider It you wholeheartedly had the one on one's, lunches, offered incentives and lead by example (building trust). Next find the one that is toxic get them out, asap it's like a cancer and spreads to the whole team.
Guest Insider At this point be more direct.
“I understand it’s been a rough go, maybe prior managers haven’t been supportive. I’m here to support you, but I need you to help me- help you. Is that something you want to do?”
If the answer is no, then it’s time to move on. If the answer isn’t yes, it’s time to move on.
Jeff McDonnold Sounds like you need a contest! With all the people desperately needing work you will have zero problem replacing the unmotivated.
Guest Insider Do a competition with a a day off with pay as a reward and try to motivate them.
Erik McKinster Sometimes you just have to start cutting & hiring fresh too... if they have lost their spirit, they have to get it back. Offer them the tools. It's up to them to pick them up.
Jonathan Cheville If the flies aren't going for the honey, maybe it's time to try some vinegar
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Gerry Hunt shared a photo. 2 days ago

OMGOSH!! If these were mine I am not sure I would every put these in my mouth again!

OMGOSH!! If these were mine I am not sure I would every put these in my mouth again!
Guest Insider That would be something if it was a glass eye 👀
Guest Insider Happens all the time.. vomiting and loose their teeth.. no one wants to go in for them..lol
Guest Insider Really, you're not sure? I would be very sure, very very sure. Lol
Guest Insider My dad just spent 11k on his. Y'all saying you wouldn't, bet you would.
Mya Estrada No amount of sanitizing could make me feel comfortable putting these in my mouth again...
Rafael Benavides Well seasoned
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