Reply: I have a resident that has requested a handicap parking sign in front of her apartment.

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I am currently going thru similar issue.
A person who has legal right to use a placard, with state disability id, can request a reasonable accommodation to have a specific space designated for their use only.
Requesting a accessible space for their use only does not even have to have the words "reasonable accommodation" in the request.
They must provide an explanation as to why they need it" I can't walk to far because of my health, disability etc" Copy of plate registration or placard and ID card. Obviously, if you want it designated for you.
Since every state requires a physician signed affidavit in order to get a handicapped placard or plate if the request is legitimate and your disability is obvious, they can not refuse your request.
Saying no can open up a can of worms. If your spaces aren't properly sized and lined you will be made to make them legal.
They will verify you have the proper amount of spaces.

The doctor who signed your application for DMV will be asked to verify necessity.

If you need van space that has to be part of accommodation.
Every apartment owner, condo management, trailer park or any other type of housing provider needs to adhere to Fair Housing Laws, Federal 504 laws as well as ADA guidelines and rules.

No one who rents, leases or otherwise allows someone to live in or share a space by law has a right to this reasonable accommodation.

Denying a space of proper size, lineage and designated or assigned to person requesting it is discrimination.

If you refuse the request, anyone can file a complaint with Civil Rights Division in the state, HUD, etc

You don't want to go there.
The legal fees to fight a no win situation for housing providers will kill you if the fines don't.

Remember the purpose of a handicapped placard or plate is to put the disabled party as close to their front door or end location as possible.

Just giving someone a regular space for their use only does not have to be accepted by the resident.

There has to be enough room to swing open doors and have an access lane for m9bility equipment or even to safely enter or exit their vehicle.

A person who is a driver for a disabled person who has a placard can use it for pick up and drop off.
The disabled person placard is registered to must be present at all times when using the space.
Dropping someone off does not give driver permission to park in an accessible space 24/7 just because your relative is disabled or you give a ride to a friend.

A real handicapped person who drives needs access to a accessible space coming and going so they can stay there for the duration.

Most important.. report placard abuse to local authorities, DMV and use a parking Mobility app to photograph offender's license plate, placard hanging in front window and picture of vehicle in the space.
Take a moment and leave a comment.
Law enforcement can't enforce if they don't know there is a violation.
The local law enforcement are required to investigate, motor vehicle will investigate and a civil lawsuit or newly enforceable laws for placard use fraud, go far beyond $250 fines and community work. They can earn an offender a $10,000 fine and 18 months in jail.

You would be amazed how many placards aren't legitimate and are purchased online.

It only takes a minute to help and app reports are anonymous.

Saying no to a reasonable accommodation, can cost you time and money

Know the laws

PS you can't charge handicapped person for making reasonable accommodation changes, unless you can prove it will practically bankrupt you.
Posted 1 week 6 days ago
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You can contact the City Of Fresno, Ca. at (559) 621-2489 They will ask for your handicap placard number, your name and address. Mine was installed by the next week.
Posted 2 weeks 3 days ago
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Are you in the City Of Fresno? If so, you can contact (559) 621-2489 to have a Handicap sign installed in front of your house and they will also mark the curb blue. Only thing they will ask you is your handicap plate number, name and address.
I hope this helps you.
Posted 2 weeks 3 days ago
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Josue Adams. You are wrong. According to the American disability act we just disabled people have the right to be just like everyone else if we can be as close to it why in the heck would I have to pay for a curb are you crazy
Posted 2 weeks 4 days ago
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Gordon Mack
The Fair Housing Act clearly states that a tenant can request a reserved parking space. "A tenant with a mobility impairment who has difficulty walking more than short distances. Their apartment complex has a “first come, first served” parking policy for its tenants. The tenant requests that management grant a reasonable accommodation in its parking policy and reserve a parking space for him near his apartment, due to his disability. The manager must grant the accommodation and reserve a parking space for the tenant."
Posted 1 month 2 days ago
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Wow, you talk about "Senior citizens" like they’re an infestation of pests. As if you don’t see them as human, smh
Posted 1 month 2 weeks ago